What is Lent?

The season of Lent is the time of preparation for Holy Week and Easter. Ash Wednesday marks the first day, or the start of the season of Lent, which begins 40 days prior to Easter. (Sundays are not included in the count.) The purpose is to set aside time for reflection on Jesus Christ – his suffering and his sacrifice, his life, death, burial, and resurrection. Lent lasts forty days because Jesus went into the wilderness for forty days of fasting, meditation, and reflection before beginning his ministry. We are encouraged to use this time for spiritual growth. Will you join us?

Lent Begins March 5th

Ash Wednesday Service at 7:30 PM
Our 2025 journey into Lent begins on March 5th, at 7:30 p.m., with our traditional Ash Wednesday Service,
celebrated in partnership with our sister church, Bethel AME.
(In Person & Live Stream)

All Church Lenten Book & Preaching: “The Red Tent” by Anita Diamant

Our Lenten All Church Read and sermon series is “The Red Tent” by Anita Diamant. This bestselling and well-loved book tells the story of Dinah, the daughter of Jacob and Leah in the Old Testament, a woman who lived in a patriarchal and violent world. The book is “Midrash”—Diamant takes the biblical details about Dinah and uses them as a jumping-off point to imagine what her life was like and for other women of that day and time. It is a fascinating, provocative, and stirring book.

Sermons on the book will be offered on March 9, 16, 23, and April 6th, along with an after-church discussion group led by Pastor John. Copies of “The Red Tent” are available for $10 and for sale in Fellowship Hall. Join us! All are welcome!


Sunday Preaching Series

March 9th, 16th, 23rd;
April 6th

Sunday Sermon Series at 10:00 AM (EST)
In Person & Live Stream

Pastor John and others will speak about themes raised in the book “The Red Tent”. Topics include birth, death, parenthood, family and community and what life might have been like in ancient Israel, especially for women.

Lenten Book Discussion Times:

March 9th, 16th, 23rd;
April 6th

Meets in the church conference room on Sundays after service.
(Participation by Zoom available)

Wednesday Morning Book Discussion
Join us on Wednesdays at 9:30 am via Zoom

Powell Fund for the Creative Word

Sunday, March 30th—Amanda Powell Visits Pilgrim Church—“Got Joy?”

Speaker: Combining gifts of storytelling and musicianship, Amanda Powell brings her engaging spirit to Pilgrim Church as part of the Ken Powell for the Creative Word Series. In addition, after the church service, Amanda will conduct a 12 Noon workshop entitled “Heart Songs” (a complementary 11:30 luncheon is included). Please sign up for the workshop and luncheon.

10:00 AM Service
11:30 AM – Luncheon
12:00 PM – Workshop

Holy Week 2024

April 13th – Palm Sunday

10 AM – Pilgrim Church, Sherborn
Worship Service In-Person and Streaming
Welcoming Jesus into Jerusalem

April 17th – Maundy Thursday

7:00 PM – Commemorating Seven Last Words of Christ – Bethel AME, Boston
Join us as we travel to Boston for a joint Worship with Bethel AME, also Streamed Online. Pastor John Hudson and Dir. of Christian Education Victoria Gaisford will be assisting in the Bethel Service.

Join us there or carpool from church, Meet at 6 pm in our church Parking lot to carpool.

Please RSVP to ministries@pilgrimsherborn.org if you need a ride – all welcome!

Watch the Service on Thursday: https://www.bethelame.org/watch

April 18 – Good Friday

7:30 PM – Pilgrim Church, Sherborn
A remembrance of Christ’s passion in word, music, and imagery
(Service Live and Streaming)

April 19th – Holy Saturday (Evening Prayer Vigil)

6:00 PM – 10:00 PM – Pilgrim Church, Sherborn
Prayer Vigil:

Help us keep watch in the Sanctuary on Saturday, Apri 19th, as we await the resurrection of Christ this Holy Season. Spend time in silent prayer together.  There will be simple readings and prayers available. Multiple groups are welcome for each time slot.

Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up for a 1/2 hour.

April 20th

Easter Sunday

6:15 AM
Sunrise Service at Farm Pond, Sherborn (In-person only)

10:00 AM
Traditional Easter Service (Live in the Sanctuary and Streaming)

April 11 – The First Easter Story at 4:00 PM
Storytelling & Crafts for Children and Young Families

Join us and bring a friend to hear the Story of Easter! What are some symbols of Easter (eggs, lilies, sunrise) and what do they mean? At this low-key and fun gathering, we will also have an Easter Egg Hunt, make Easter crafts, and enjoy an Easter-themed snack. No need to RSVP!

Contact: Victoria Gaisford, Director of Christian Education
email: education@pilgrimsherborn.org

WE DO GODLY PLAY! – Every Sunday during worship (except holiday weekends)

Pilgrim Church Sunday School welcomes children to hear and play with sacred stories from the Christian tradition. During this Lenten Season, children will learn about Jesus’ Parables and the Sermon on the Mount. New children are always welcome! Nursery Care is also offered during the service.