At Pilgrim Church, we believe that the arts are essential in enriching worship, encouraging creative interaction among members, and connecting the church to the community. Worship services regularly include organ preludes/postludes, anthems by the Chancel Choir and hymns sung by the congregation. The bell choir, and the Pilgrim Band also play throughout the year, and there are additional opportunities for student/adult participation.
Get Involved
Contact Music Director David Tiedman:
(508) 655-1667 (ext. 17) or music@pilgrimsherborn.org.

Sacred Arts
The Sacred Arts Ministry holds special programs throughout the year that include music, storytelling, poetry, film, theater, art shows or field trips.
The Powell Fund
Dedicated to former Pastor Kenneth Powell, a gifted speaker who loved the creative word in all its forms, the fund annually sponsors a 40-minute presentation during a Sunday service followed by a one-hour workshop. Previous “Powell Fund’ presenters have included Gregory Maguire, author of Wicked; Patrick Gabridge, author of Fire on Earth (a play about the translation of the bible into English), and storyteller, Nora Dooley.
Sacred Arts Programs

The Witness Project
In this short documentary film, members of Pilgrim Church and its sister church, Bethel AME, Jamaica Plain, reflect on the history of faith and race in the context of their unique relationship spanning some twenty years.

400th Anniversary of the Mayflower
Programs included a discussion of Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community, and War by Nathaniel Philbrick and a presentation by Doug Blake, who plays Governor William Bradford at Plimoth Pawtuxet Museums. The culminating event will be a visit to the Museums in April of 2022.

Christmas Tableau
2021 was the beginning of a new tradition at Pilgrim Church. The tableau which formerly included only children became a multigenerational event. 30 people ranging in age from 2 to 8o+ played the parts of Mary and Joseph, angels, stars, shepherds, animals, and wise persons. Sacred Arts helped with costuming and staging of the program presented on the Sunday before Christmas.
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