Pilgrim Church “angels” have spread their wings for over 20 years supporting over 2000 families during the Christmas season.  A long standing Christmas tradition at Pilgrim Church has been participating in the Angel Tree Program through Project Just Because in Hopkinton.

This program benefits hundreds of local families struggling to make ends meet. This year is especially difficult so let’s make sure there are gifts under the tree.

Due to the pandemic, Project Just Because has grown exponentially and no longer provides gifts to individual families. Instead, they have set up their warehouse as a “store” and parents come and “shop” for gifts for their families. Our mission is to be Pilgrim Angels and help stock the shelves.

 This year we have 2 different ways for you to participate:

“Shop and Drop”


 Click and Ship

To Shop and Drop simply shop for games, toys, gift cards etc… and drop them off, unwrapped to the church by Sunday, December 5th.

To Click and Ship Simply follow this Amazon link to the “Wish List” and click on the items you’d like to purchase and then ship your cart to Project Just Because by Sunday, December 5th.

Whichever way you choose to participate, all gifts must be dropped or shipped by Sunday, December 5th.

Please consider gift cards for teens, diapers for babies, art supplies, make-up kits, crafts, action figures etc… or buy an assortment of items for a particular age group….use your imagination!

**** If you would like to participate but should need assistance, please contact
 Eve Smith 508-651-3163 or Cindy Maguire 508-641-1317 ****

>Download a printable copy of the above Angel Tree Instructions