An Open Table

At Pilgrim Church, there is an open seat at God’s table for you. We welcome you, no matter who you are, or what you look like, or what labels the world puts on you. We welcome you if, like us, you struggle with flaws and imperfection but have a loving spirit and strive to let the light of Jesus shine within you and then to share it with others. We dare to welcome all because God, and not any human authority, extends this gracious invitation. We believe that we are called to love for, “…if we love one another, God abides in us.” (1 John 4:12) Therefore, every member and friend of this congregation is invited to participate fully in all the sacraments, rites, privileges, and responsibilities of our shared life at Pilgrim Church, United Church of Christ.
The only requirement for life at Pilgrim Church is a desire to deepen your relationship with God and neighbor. As an Open and Affirming Congregation, we extend this radical welcome to people of every gender identity and sexual orientation, and to persons of every skin color, culture, physical and mental ability, and every diverse expression of humanity found in God’s universe.
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